Piercing the Corporate veil

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  • The shareholders fail to maintain the separate identity of the company. (For instance, the shareholders using company’s bank accounts for their personal uses)
  • Corporate formalities are failed to follow. (For instance- the company failing to comply with filing requirements as set forth by the law.)
  • There is a tax evasion or unauthorized tax avoidance.
  • The corporation or LLC is under-capitalized. (For instance, the shareholders formed the corporation without providing enough capital to carry out day-to-day business functions.)
  1. Disjunctive test: either excessive control or corporate misconduct must be shown for the court to pierce the veil.
  2. Conjunctive test: both excessive control and corporate misconduct must be shown for the court to pierce the veil.

What will happen after the corporate veil is pierced?

After the corporate veil is pierced, the shareholders of a corporation lose the limited liability that is granted by the corporation. In other words, the personal assets of the shareholders can be used to pay for the debts and liabilities of the corporation. Therefore, it is crucial for the shareholders to maintain the corporate veil in their businesses.

Does Myanmar Law say anything about “the corporate veil”?

We, with our best efforts, look for Myanmar laws which might have include the idea of “corporate veil”. However, no direct provision or the precedent is known to us. Due to the provision of Section 5 (a) of Myanmar Companies Law (hereinafter “MCL”), we can understand that in Myanmar, a company is considered to be a separate legal entity in its own right separate from its members having full rights, powers and privileges. But, Myanmar legal system could permit the “piercing the corporate veil” should there be a company in a corporate group (a “parent company”) which is required to be held accountable or responsible for the actions of its subsidiaries. Despite having this “separate legal entity” concept provided in MCL, no detailed provisions mentioned in the applicable laws that under which conditions the Court can pierce the corporate veil. Therefore, it would indeed be an interesting topic should there be any case where one of the parties might require the Court to pierce the corporate veil in the future. In the meantime, it would be best for the companies to comply with the compliance required by MCL and to maintain the separate legal personality of the company.

Qualification of this Article

The article serves as a knowledge-sharing article and the interpretation of the provisions quoted here is done solely based on the legal knowledge and personal interpretation of the authors. Therefore, should this article be used as a legal advice by any other party, whether for a natural person’s or corporation’s affairs, the authors have no legal obligation or the authors are not held accountable or responsible for such person or corporation for any reason whatsoever.

Prepared by:

Two best friends, Wut Yee Thaw @ Lyra and Ingyin Hmwe @ Liliana

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